Follow the next instruction to start using VPN service and protect you privacy by surfing the internet on Mac OS X.
1/ Register an account. With this account you will be able to use your subscription with a Mac or another devices(iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, Windows 8.1+). For more information take a look at the Step 1: How To Register An Account on Mac OS X help article.
2/ Buy the subscription. For first time you can get 1 free day subscription to evaluate the service. After that you can select one of subscriptions for your needs. Step 2: How To Purchase Subscription on Mac OS
3/ Before you star using VPN service - you should configure VPN Profile. Find the instruction here Step 3: How To Setup Configuration Profile On Mac OS
4/ Start using our VPN service. For more information take a look at the Step 4: How To Connect VPN on Mac OS X help article.